Volvo 343 - 1982

My first own car. Bought the beauty from a friend of my dad. Did its job
well and offered cheap transportation, easy to fix and lots of spares by
the dismantlers. The poor baby was almost never washed and the picture
shows it in a rather clean state. Minor flaws as rust and exhaustsystem
breakdown was fixed during the time but when the clutch broke for the
second time I didn't fancy fixing it again and we towed it to the axeman.
Volvo 144 - 1968

My first veteran was bought 1999. There are some cars I'd like to have owned and one of them was a
Volvo 140. A friend of mine knew this sample, poor looking and
converted from automatic to manual. Original B18 engine and a leaking
cowlingsystem, constantly keeping bottles of water to fill every
100km... Good thing it's running taxfree in the swedish system as older
than 30 years. This became my first "summercar" and I kept it until I
found my next Volvo veteran. During the summer 2001 I sold it back to where it came from.
VW Passat - 1985

After kissing my beloved 343 goodbye I had to find a substitute for my "wintercar".
Once again my friend with the 144 came handy. I found myself owner of my
first Volkswagen. This was a rather boring car but also did the job well.
After some contact with another car the front was rebuilt. Later I had
to scrap it after a taxi made an unplanned move infront of me. By the
time I was pretty tired of manual gearbox and promised myself the next
car I bought should have an automatic one.
Volvo Amazon - 1965

During the autumn 2000, before I knew what to do with the 144 (at the moment parked at my
summerhouse), I bought this Amazon. During the years it has gone through a
number of "upgrades". First thing when the clutch broke on this one was
to change the original B18 to a B20. Flywheel was lightened for better
acceleration. I also found new lightglasses for the rear end, original
all red ones and rebuilt them to some kind of American style with double
twinthreaded bulbs. Rear rims were widened to 6" and some 740profiles on
them filled out quite well... The B20 broke down due to previous owner
not tightening some crankshaft bolts. Good thing I had another B20 with
K-cam. Together with a Weber 36 carburettor I soon had approx 120hp
under the hood. Have been collecting parts all the time and for the
moment I need time to weld the floor. Until then she's parked.
VW Golf - 1986

After my Passat died I desperatly needed wheels to bring me to work. A
friend of mine had this Golf which was parked since a year. With
oilwarnings and waterwarnings coming on all the time and engine running
like a bag of potatoes (!) I brought it to life again. After adding some
new fuel and disconnecting the warnings everything worked out very well. During my
last years with this one it was sometimes very hard to get it going and
it didn't like my girlfriend at all... Preparing for arrival of our son,
I got rid of it and started looking for something bigger.
Audi 100 2.6 - 1993

Found this 2.6 automatic after some research. Newest car I ever owned so
far. A step in time - 7 years - from the predecessor. V6 and automatic
transmission. This is comfort!!! But younger car means more problems
when you run into problems... I miss the basic engines and no databox in
the Amazon!
Audi A6 3.0 Quattro - 2002

Driving the Audi 100 for 2
years and I were totally in love with this member of the Audi family. I thought
it was time however to try something even newer. This time jumping 9 years ahead
in time! An A6 Quattro 3.0 with Tiptronic, full leather and navigation for a reasonable price were chosen and I hope to
stay with this one for a long time.
BMW 525 TDSt - 1992

The needs for a second car
became more urgent when I started working weekends again. Found an old
E34 diesel with the M51 engine and very smooth running. Quite comfortable and the automatic transmission is really
pleasant! Now gone again as
needs for a second car also gone.
Audi A6 2.7 TDi Quattro - 2007

After staying with the old A6 for more than 5
years now, decision were taken to look for a younger
one with diesel engine. After looking at the 3.0 TDi for quite a while, finally
found this 2.7 with Tiptronic, full leather and of course Quattro!
Comfort raised to new levels... And the diesels sure have torque enough,
I can asure you!